Student Login Matrix here for all BCS programs.
Online resources for dual enrolled students:
Use the tabs below for helpful access information for NDA and AB Tech courses.
Helpful Tips for BCS/A-B Tech dual enrolled students:
We do recommend that when you are accessing your A-B Tech account that you do it in a different browser than your BCS account - you have both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. You have Microsoft accounts from both schools and your computer doesn't know which you are trying to access.
If you are using Google Chrome for your BCS classes, then open Microsoft Edge for A-B Tech. Go to It should connect you to your BCS Microsoft account automatically. Click on the icon in the top right and it will show you which account you are in. Your BCS one is your student If that is the account you are logged into, click sign out. It will take you back to the Microsoft login page. You will want to “use a different account” and login using your A-B Tech username which is your A-B Tech email address.
For more information on your A-B Tech accounts, go to this webpage