The NDA PTSO is a Parent Teacher Student Organization that strives to strengthen, enhance, and encourage the educational environment of NDA families and to promote STEM based education in our community.
Every parent, student, and staff member of Nesbitt Discovery Academy is automatically a member of the PTSO. To increase your involvement in PTSO events, please complete our membership form here (
The membership form adds your contact information to the PTSO mailing list. As part of the mailing list, you will receive invitations to our monthly meetings, updates on PTSO events and activities, and notification of volunteer opportunities.
The NDA PTSO is a non-profit organization whose efforts are realized through generous donations from our community. We accept donations throughout the school year with our largest fundraising campaign, BigGive, running from August - October each year.
To avoid fees and ensure 100% of your donation goes to NDA PTSO, we encourage cash or checks (made payable to NDA PTSO, 175 Bingham Road, Asheville, NC 28806). We also accept donations through our PayPal account
Thank you for your generosity in helping create a dynamic and supportive education at Nesbitt Discovery Academy.
Meetings will be held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 5:30 PM in the NDA cafeteria. Please email to confirm the meeting date and time.
Join PTSO and The Big Give
Watch the video for info on BG 2024!
You can donate online with PayPal