photo of parking lot with text overlay that reads: 2023-2024 ACR student parking registration details
image of camera with text that reads: lifetouch summer portrait sessions for rising seniors - july 17, 18 & 23 - schedule your session online today!
Image of graduation caps and gold ribbon, with text that reads: AC Reynolds 2023 Graduation Saturday, June 10, 2023
An icon of two hands supporting a male and female student with a heart in the middle, to represent student wellness and care
image of ACR Memorial Day Concert flyer with QR code to purchase tickets
photo of students and teachers posing at DECA conference
spot lights with text overlay that reads: prom tickets on sale April 10-21
Manna FoodBank fundraiser
"Don't miss the ACRHS Spring Musical!" Performances take place April 13-15; tickets can be purchased online or at the door. "Crazy For You".
image of chalkboard background with text overlay that reads: final ACRHS registration nights for the 2023-24 school year
photo of students posing in school library with food donations
Blackboard background with text overlay that reads: ACRHS registration nights for the 2023-2024 school year
Photo of DECA team at the international conference
Listening and Learning
Backround image of bball hoop with three basketball, text overlay reads: NCHSAA Playoffs Round 3: Saturday, Feb. 24
confetti background with text overlay that reads: PROM out-of-school guest applications due March 20
Background image of basketball hoop with text overlay that reads: ACRHS hosts playoff games Feb. 23
Image of stack of books with text that reads: ACRHS  curriculum night, Thursday, feb. 23 from 6-7 p.m.
Image of basketball player holding ball, with text overlay that says Go Rockets